





美国当地时间 主题/嘉宾
9:00 AM PT Microsoft Azure open source strategy and partnerships John Gossman Lead Architect, Microsoft Azure
9:10 AM PT Docker and Azure for developing hybrid applications Scott Johnston Chief Operating Officer, Docker
9:40 AM PT Large-scale container orchestration with Kubernetes on Azure Mark Shuttleworth Founder, Ubuntu and Canonical
10:10 AM PT All tomorrow’s parties: Modern enterprise Java with Microsoft Azure and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Joshua McKenty Head of Global Ecosystem Engineering, Pivotal Customer: Mastercard
11:00 AM PT Red Hat and Microsoft: Your technology, your platform, your way Nicholas Gerasimatos Technical Cloud Evangelist, Red Hat
11:30 AM PT Creating platform-agnostic application packages with Habitat Nell Shamrell-Harrington Senior Software Development Engineer, Chef
12:00 PM PT Tools for developing and deploying applications on Kubernetes Gabe Monroy Lead Program Manager, Microsoft Azure, and former Chief Technology Officer at DeisMichelle Noorali Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Azure, and core maintainer of the Kubernetes Helm project
12:30 PM PT Lessons from Skype in migrating and managing large-scale Linux infrastructure on Azure IaaS Kaspars Mickevics Senior Engineering Manager, Skype



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