Docker And DevOps

此文档是Gene Kim在DockerCon上演讲的内容,讲述了自己15年的IT技术的学习之旅。

Continuous Delivery and DevOps(PACKT,2ed,2014)

Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps are fast becoming the next big thing(s) in relation to the deliv

Build Your Own PaaS with Docker(PACKT,2015)

We begin by learning how easy it is to create and publish your own customized Docker images and making them available to everyone. 


Early Release This practical guide addresses technical, cultural, and managerial challenges of imple

300页PPT讲述Spark DevOps进阶技巧

Spark Summit West 2015的演讲PPT,databricks专家介绍Spark DevOps进阶课程。

聂超- DevOps如何提升飞速发展企业数据库运维效率

2015 Oracle 技术嘉年华(OTN)分会场4聂超- DevOps如何提升飞速发展企业数据库运维效率